Splošni pogoji poslovanja spletne trgovine so sestavljeni v skladu z Zakonom o varstvu potrošnikov (ZVPot), na podlagi priporočil GZS in mednarodnih kodeksov za elektronsko poslovanje. Obravnavajo delovanje spletne trgovine, pravice kupca ter poslovni odnos med kupcem in prodajalcem oz. upravljalcem spletne trgovine.
1. Order
Po pregledu ponudbe ob želenih izdelkih izberete možnost "dodaj v košarico". Izbrani izdelki so zbrani v košarici, ki jo lahko kadarkoli preverite in v njej uredite izdelke (spremenite količine izdelkov in/ali jih odstranite iz seznama). Ko ste končali z nakupovanjem, izberete možnost "košarica", kjer uredite izdelke. S klikom na gumb »nadaljuj« boste opravili naročilo želenih izdelkov.
Po oddaji naročila, prejmete na svoj elektronski naslov potrdilo o oddaji naročila, kateremu so prav tako priloženi podatki za plačilo. Potrdilo o prejetem naročilu se smatra kot pogodba o nakupu izdelkov med kupcem in prodajalcem/upravljalcem spletne trgovine in je nepreklicno sklenjena. Naročeno blago se po prejetem plačilu odpošlje na naslov, katerega je kupec navedel za dostavo ob naročilu. Vnešeni podatki bodo varovani skladno z Zakonom o varstvu potrošnikov (ZVPot) in se ne bodo uporabljali za noben drug namen, razen za obdelavo naročila!
2. Payments
Plačilo po predračunu – plačilo na transakcijski račun
Po oddaji naročila dobi kupec na svoj elektronski naslov potrdilo o naročilu, na kateremu so potrebni podatki za izpolnitev UPN plačilnega naloga ali plačila po elektronski banki. Kupec mora v okence namen plačila vnesiti številko naročila.
3. Delivery
Dostava se vrši preko Pošte Slovenije. Stroški pošiljanja so navedeni ob naročilu. Osebni prevzem je mogoč izključno po predhodnem dogovoru.
4. Prices
Purchase agreement between PROMAL s.p. and the buyer is concluded at the moment when the company PROMAL s.p. confirm the order (the customer receives an e-mail about the confirmed order). From this moment, all prices and other conditions are fixed and apply to PROMAL s.p., as for the customer.
Veljavnost cen za izbrane artikle velja na dan nakupa, torej na dan zaključka in oddaje naročila preko spletne trgovine www.promal.si. Vse cene izdelkov na www.promal.si so prikazane v EUR in vključujejo DDV, ki je naveden na končnem obračunu. Zavezanci za DDV so dolžni ob registraciji navesti tudi svojo davčno številko.
Cene so informativnega značaja in se lahko spremenijo brez predhodnega obvestila. Ponudba in cene veljajo do umika iz spletne trgovine. Veljavnost cene izdelka velja v trenutku nakupa.
5. Return and replacement of goods and the right to withdraw from the purchase
Že kupljeno blago, ki je nerabljeno, neodprto, nepoškodovano in v originalni embalaži, lahko kupec v roku 14. dni od prejema blaga pošlje nazaj prodajalcu.
Strošek vračila blaga nosi kupec. Prodajalec ne sprejema pošiljk z odkupom.
The buyer must inform the seller in writing about the intended return by e-mail: info@promal.si. Priložena mora biti kopija računa, ki ga kupec dobi priloženega z dostavljenim blagom. Kupnina bo kupcu vrnjena najkasneje v tridesetih (30) dneh od prejetja vrnjenega nepoškodovanega blaga.
The purchaser of the ordered goods can not return if the product are custom made or made according to the instructions of the consumer and adapted to his needs.
V kolikor izdelke začnete uporabljati, pa si premislite, izgubite pravico do odstopa od pogodbe.
6. Complaints and warranty
The buyer can reclamate the goods if it does not have the characteristics explicitly promised by the seller,if the seller sent the wrong products, in the wrong quantity or otherwise deviates from the buyer's order. The buyer can reclamate the goods within 14 days from the date of purchase and asks for immediate replacement for the same impeccable item, requires repair of the item or refund of the purchase. In the case of reclamation you can contact us by e-mail: info@promal.siand the shipment return to our address, upon prior arrangement with us, at our expense. A different way of returning to our costs is not possible. When exercising the guarantee, we operate in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act (ZVPot).
The glass is very sensitive when transporting the package. We try to protect the articles sufficiently well from injury or fracture. If you received a package with broken or partly damaged items, please inform us immediately. On receipt of the damaged package at delivery, please indicate the possibility of damaged glass articles in it. In the presence of the delivery service, open the damaged package and review the content. Maybe the damage to the package is only of a visual nature. In case of a damaged package or items in it, please attach a photo of the condition.
7. Communication
The seller will contact the customer via means of distance communications only if this customer expressly does not object. Advertising emails will contain ingredients that will be clearly and unambiguously labeled as advertising messages, the sender will be clearly indicated, actions, special discounts and other marketing techniques will be clearly marked as such with clearly defined terms of participation in them, a clear way of showing how to unsubscribe from receiving advertising messages, the buyer's desire not to receive advertising messages will be explicitly respected by the seller.
8. Exclusion of liability
We reserve the right to disable or disable access to the Site due to technical or other problems and maintenance, which means disabling or hindering the use of the online store. In case of technical problems on the website, we associate the right to cancel the orders, which has been affected by the technical error. In the case of cancellation of orders, we will notify you as soon as possible and provide you with further steps. You must ensure that you have adequate equipment protection (antivirus, etc.) before accessing and using the website.
9. Discharge of liability
The vendor is making every effort to ensure the up-to-date and correctness of the information published on its websites. Nevertheless, the characteristics of the goods or the price may change so quickly that the provider fails to correct the information on the web pages. In such a case, the vendor will inform the buyer of the changes and allow him to resign from the order or to replace the ordered product. The seller is not responsible for the contents of the opinions about products written by visitors. The seller check the opinion before the publication examines and rejects those that contain obvious falsehoods, are misleading or offensive. The seller is not responsible for the information in the opinions and is unrelated to any liability arising out of this. Although the seller is trying to provide accurate photographs of sales items, all photographs should be taken as symbolic. Photos do not provide product features.
10. Complaints and disputes
The seller respects the applicable consumer protection legislation (ZVPot). The seller is struggling to fulfill his duty, to establish an effective complaint handling system. Within five (5) business days, the seller will confirm to the buyer that he has received the complaint, communicated to the buyer how long he will deal with it and inform him about the progress of the procedure. The contact person for complaints is Marko Pirman, e-mail: info@promal.si.
The seller will strive to do his best to resolve any dispute by mutual consent.
11. Statement on the protection of personal data
PROMAL s.p., which manages the online store www.promal.si, advocates the correct use of personal data in its operations. In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act, the company is committed to protecting the personal data of online shop users.
Company PROMAL s.p. for the needs of the online store www.promal.si collects the following user data:
• name and surname
• the address and place of residence
• an address for sending ordered goods
• e-mail address
• other information that the user enters when registering in the online store
Za točnost vnesenih podatkov, ki jih je uporabnik navedel pri registraciji v spletno trgovino ne odgovarjamo.
For security purposes, IP addresses of users who access and use our online store are also selected.
Exceptional disclosure of personal data:
Podatki, ki jih podjetje PROMAL s.p. zbira in obdeluje, bodo razkriti le, če tako določa zakon o varovanju osebnih podatkov po nalogu sodišča.
12. The seller or provider / manager of online store
PROMAL, Marko Pirman s.p.
Grič 2, 1370 Logatec, Slovenija
Phone: 030 316 196
Basic data:
Tax No .: SI19816618 (WE A TAXPAYER)
Identification number: 2084805000
Transaction account: IBAN SI56 3500 1000 0404 596 (BKS Bank Ljubljana)
The general terms and conditions apply from 9.8.2018